Start of week two

This week I'm working on my object oriented Blackjack game. My procedural version was a good starting point, I just needed to encapsulate the behavior into classes. I started with a Card class and a Deck class. I decided to go with a Hand class instead of seperate Player and Dealer classes. My main game code went into a Blackjack class. I creaded test for each class to make sure the behavior is correct while I refactored the code. I think the encapsulation works OK and my methods are farily small but there's always room for improvement.

The biggest problem I had/have is trying to use command line arguments with rspec. Seems like OptionParser does not work well with rspec. I like the nested format option with rspec and had to add that to my code to keep rspec happy. I'm hoping there is a better solution.

Let me know what you think. The code is in my Introduction to Ruby and Web Development Project under week-2 and can be found here.

February 10, 2014 |
Tags : tealeaf

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Mark Greene Working to complete the Tealeaf Training so I can learn Web Development with Ruby and Rails.

Tags :
ruby tealeaf